Telephone Payments


For credit card you will need the following information:
  • City Billing Account Number
  • Credit Card Information
  • Amount of Payment
For electronic check (ACH) you will need the following information:
  • City Billing Account Number
  • Bank Transit Routing number (bottom left-hand corner of your check)
  • Bank Account number (bottom of your check to the right of the routing number)
  • Amount of Payment

Mail Payments

Make checks payable to Director of Finance.
Mail your payment to the address listed on your bill, or consult the table below:

Type of Payment Address
Parking, Red Light, and Speed Camera citations
(Do not send payments to this address if your account has been referred to Penn Credit, the City’s collection agent):
City of Baltimore
Attn: Parking Fines
P.O. Box 13327
Baltimore, MD 21203-3327
Alley, Footway and Street Scape Bills
City Dynamics (now Workday Invoices)
Miscellaneous Bills
Part Year Bills
Personal Property
Real Property
Workday Invoices
City of Baltimore Bureau of Revenue Collections
P.O. Box 17535
Baltimore, MD 21297-1535
Civil Citation
Environmental Control
False Alarm Reduction Program Fines & Penalties
City of Baltimore Bureau of Revenue Collections
P.O. Box 17119
Baltimore, MD 21297-1119
Alarm Registration
Residential Burglary/Robbery
City of Baltimore Bureau of Revenue Collections
P.O. Box 17283
Baltimore, MD 21297-1283
Payments for any other fees or taxes City of Baltimore Bureau of Revenue Collections
Abel Wolman Municipal Building
200 North Holliday Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

In-Person Payments

Pay in person at Walmart and any business that accepts Moneygram or at the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, located at 200 Holliday Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. Office hours are from 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.


What does the customer account portal offer?

The City of Baltimore partnered with Paymentus to offer an enhanced website for online account access and payments, which includes the following additional features that customers may elect to receive:

  1. eBill - Email notification when a bill has been issued. The notification will include the total amount due and the due date in the notification.
  2. AutoPay - Visit the Customer Payment Portal to set up and manage automatic payments on the bill due date using a credit card, debit card, or eCheck/ACH (bank draft).
  3. Pay by Text - Receive a text message when a bill has been issued and pay the bill by text.
  4. Payment Reminder - Email reminder a couple of days before the due date, on the due date, or a couple of days after the due date. (Note: Customers must sign up to receive a payment reminder. It is not sent if the customer does not select the option to receive a payment reminder.)
  5. Wallet - Save payment methods (credit card, debit card, or eCheck/ACH (bank draft).
  6. Interactive Voice Response - The ability to save payment methods when paying using Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

What is Paymentus?

Paymentus is a national company that partners with government agencies and utilities to provide convenient electronic interactions with customers. This includes e-billing, pay-by-phone, automated telephone and email messaging, and various options for web payments. See: Our Company History | Paymentus

How does the Customer Payment Portal relate to the Department of Public Works (DPW) water customer service portal?

DPW's customer self-service portal provides tools that help our customers monitor their water consumption, billing, and then pay. The Customer Payment Portal lets customers register and set up Autopay, or pay for multiple accounts.

Paymentus System Questions

How do I remove an account from the Customer Portal?
If you no longer require access to a Water Account in your Customer Portal, you can remove it.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Customer Payment Portal.
  2. Once logged in, ensure you are in the Accounts view. If not, click on the  "Accounts" link at the top left.
  3. Under the account number, you want to remove, click on the Edit button.
  4. Click on the Remove Account button.
  5. Click on the Confirm button to validate.

I set up AutoPay, but there is no message on the bill that says the account is automatically paid. Am I still set up for AutoPay?
With Paymentus, the bills do not have a message reminding customers not to pay because it is automatically deducted.  AutoPay customers receive an email 2-4 days before the payment is charged.  Also, you can always log into your customer portal account and on the accounts page, the  AutoPay button will be green indicating  AutoPay is active.

I am now receiving an email reminding me I am scheduled to be charged. Do I need to do anything?
The email is a friendly reminder that your payment method in the system will be charged in 2-4 days. You do not need to do anything with the email unless you want to stop the payment. To stop the payment, you click the link in the email.  If you do not want to stop the payment, you do not have to do anything: it is just a reminder.

I created my account with an incorrect email. How do I fix it?
Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the Customer Payment Portal.
  2. DO NOT create a second account with the correct email. Instead, log in to your account with the email you wish to change and your existing password.
  3. Once you have logged in, go to My Profile on the menu on the left of the page.
  4. Under Login Details in the right column on the website or toward the bottom of the screen on a tablet or smartphone, you will see a grey box with your email in it. Click the blue button after "To edit your Login in the box above."
  5. Type the email you wish to use in the box, scroll down to the Save Changes button, and click it.
  6. Now your new user name is the email you updated. Please keep your login credential and the answers to your security questions on file.